Contact the Lafayette Society

Have a general question for us?  Use this form.
Want to get more involved?  See our list of committees below and then use this form to let us know!

Lafayette Society
PO Box 43712

Mailing Address:

Lafayette Society
PO Box 43712
Lafayette Station
Fayetteville, NC 28309

Call us:

Email us:

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Lafayette Society Committees

Want to get more involved?  Use the form above to let us know what activities you’d be interested in helping with!

Lafayette Birthday Planning Committee
Organizes the city-wide Lafayette Birthday celebrations held every year the weekend after Labor Day.  Past events have included concerts, historical displays, living history activities, sidewalk sales, wine tastings, and lectures.  And – of course – there’s always cake and ice cream!

Annual Meeting and Luncheon Social
Organizes the annual (usually the first Sunday in March) Lafayette Society membership meeting and luncheon social.

Recruits new members and assists with fundraising efforts.

Grants and Endowments
Oversees the Lafayette Society endowment funds at Fayetteville State University and Methodist University;  seeks other sources of support and funding.

Promotes the Lafayette Society on social media and other digital platforms, as well as on traditional media formats.

Lafayette Park Committee
Oversees maintenance of and improvements to the Lafayette Plaza area of Cross Creek Park

Medaille Lafayette
The Lafayette Society recognizes the leadership skills of the Marquis de Lafayette through the awarding of the Medaille Lafayette to a graduate of the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS) Master Leader Course. The committee coordinates award ceremonies with the cadre, and Lafayette Society members are encouraged to participate in the presentation of the medal.

Bylaws Committee (ad hoc)
Comprehensively reviews the society’s bylaws to bring them into line with contemporary non-profit organization best practices.

Lafayette Society Board of Directors

Gwenesta Melton

Ebony Warfield-Graham
Vice President

Christopher Thrasher

Casey Dobson

Betty Goolsby
Exec Comm at-large

At-large members:
Sam Kelley

Linda McAlister
Scot McCosh

Rick Suehr
Rob Taber